Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dowd on Dems: "Judy" to Rove's "Punch"

Here's a key sentence from Maureen Dowd's column, Delusion and Illusion Worthy of Dickens, from today's NY Times that reiterates what I've been saying about Rove's "All Terror, All the Time" strategy.

As Dowd says, for the right wing it's all about testosterone and putting the American body politic and American bodies in jeopardy and then promising to protect those bodies against terrorists and liberals.

Delusion and Illusion Worthy of Dickens by Maureen Dowd

The Democrats will never win the White House as long as they're stuck in Bleak House. They're slipping and sliding in the same crust-upon-crust of mud and caboose-creeping fog and soft black drizzle and flakes of soot that blacken the chamber of law in the opening of the terrific Dickens novel (now an irresistible PBS series).

The party simply seems incapable of getting the muscular message and riveting messenger needed to dispel the mud, fog, drizzle and soot emanating from Karl Rove's rag-and-bone shop on Pennsylvania Avenue.

As the White House drives its truckload of lies around the country, it becomes ever clearer that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Al Gore are just not the right people to respond to the administration's national security scare-a-thon.

But Karl Rove is still dishing out the same line, and it's still working: those who want to re-evaluate the strategy in Iraq are soft. Those who want to rein in the Patriot Act are soft. Those who question the Alito doctrine of presidential absolutism are soft. Those who don't want to break the law and snoop on Americans are soft - not just soft, but practically collaborating with the terrorists.
.... (snip)

In their usual twisted way, the Bushies are reducing their abuse of the law to a test of testosterone - knowing that the Democrats will play Judy to their Punch.


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panopticonman, you must be hitting a nerve if a troll like anonymous starts showing up.

I've been busy the last week but I hope you keep following up on this theme about, I'm paraphrasing loosely, a president who aggravates problems in order to get macho credit for solving them. Connecting your theme to what Maureen Dowd said is on the money.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger panopticonman said...

Thanks, Craig. Funny how these folks always go straight for the body, isn't it?

At 9:42 PM, Blogger lydia said...

Golly! that's gotta be a joke, right. Nobody's that dumb. Oy! and the spelling! and the grammar! so sad!


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