Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Mr. Danger" Bush To Win On Warrantless Spying?

Read this paragraph from today's Washington Post story "Surveillance Net Yields Few Suspects" and tell me that there's a chance in hell Bush will ever get impeached for it.

From Wash. Post:
The scale of warrantless surveillance, and the high proportion of bystanders swept in, sheds new light on Bush's circumvention of the courts. National security lawyers, in and out of government, said the washout rate raised fresh doubts about the program's lawfulness under the Fourth Amendment, because a search cannot be judged "reasonable" if it is based on evidence that experience shows to be unreliable. Other officials said the disclosures might shift the terms of public debate, altering perceptions about the balance between privacy lost and security gained.

I mean The Post and Times can publish a thousand stories on what was done, quote a thousand experts on why it's illegal, and it won't make a bit of difference. It's just too "complicated" when compared to the Bush PR Theater's long-running melodrama "All Terror, All The Time" which was recently reprised during the State of the Union address.

All George "Mr. Danger" Bush has to do is sound the siren, shout his favorite rhetorical question "Would you rather die or what," and the American people stick their fingers in their ears and hide under the bed.


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