Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Best Cheney Joke

"The Vice President is standing by his decision to shoot Harry Whittington.

Now, according to the best intelligence available, there were quail hidden in the brush. Everyone believed at the time there were quail in the brush. And while the quail turned out to be a 78- year-old man, even knowing that today, Mr. Cheney insists he still would have shot Mr. Whittington in the face.

He believes the world is a better place for his spreading buckshot throughout the entire region of Mr. Wittington's face."
--"Daily Show" correspondent Rob Corddry


At 12:09 PM, Blogger Esoth said...

Crooks and Liars has the video clip from the Daily Show. There is also a remote report from one of Stewart's regulars from outside of Whittington's hospital that's also very good. Here's the link to the clip.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger panopticonman said...

Thanks, Esoth. I found the link:

Crooks and Liars


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