Thursday, January 05, 2006

Coulter: Liberals Are Killers

You only have to read the first sentence of Ann Coulter's defense of the Bush administration's lyin' and spyin' in her column today to see the gigantic straw man she's frantically stuffing so she can, oh so satisfyingly, knock it down. And beat it. And set it on fire in her usual 5 alarm fashion.

It seems the Bush administration -- being a group of sane, informed adults -- has been secretly tapping Arab terrorists without warrants. (Column here if you can stand it.)

Guess those liberals just aren't sane. Or informed. Guess those liberals are weak. Really weak. So weak in fact that liberals allowed, even enabled and, yes, almost even planned 9/11!

Coulter's is the vitriolic version of Bush's more "presidential version" of why he felt it was necessary to spy on Americans: Would You Rather Die or What?


At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Neiwert of Orcinus has a thoughtful essay on a response he had to a review he did of Michelle Malkin. It's long but worth reading.

You can find it here:

Right wing Republicans depend on the vitriol. One of the original artists of the vitriol is Newt Gingrich who is currently busy positioning himself in the wake of the Abramoff Scandal as a kind of reformer. Well, at least he admits this is one scandal that's going to bite.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger panopticonman said...

Let's hope the scandal gets more traction soon, and, importantly, that the Dems get the message out that they are clean, that the corruption was limited to Republicans.

There's just too many quotes our there of people saying the Democrats profited, too. That enncourages people to wish a pox on both houses.


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