Monday, November 28, 2005

Flash! Faith Not the Same as Fanaticism!

In The Abuse of Evil (see my review below), Richard Bernstein makes a number of important points on ideological fanaticism as it relates to religion and morality.

 There is difference between religious faith and ideological fanaticism (Page 52). This is a helpful distinction to those who cannot abide the un-Christian Christianity espoused by the fundamentalists, those many followers of Falwell, Robertson and their ilk.
 "In great religions, there have always been believers who have argued that genuine religious faith is open to questioning." Page 51.
 Kant said "…for its own sake morality does not need religion at all…by virtue of pure practical reason it is self-sufficient." (page 95).
 Bernstein notes that "those who say that as believers they know what evil is are guilty of the sin of pride." Page 96.
 Seeing the world as a battle between the forces of good and evil is traditionally viewed as the "Manichaean heresy." (page 117)

On this last one, next time you hear someone talking in absolutist terms about good and evil, remember to say to them: "Hey, I heard the Spanish Inquisition wants to ask you a couple of questions."


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